Learn about permits, taxes and other important planning requirements to effectively and efficiently set up and run your business.
Planning & Development
The STEP Region has the necessary utilities and infrastructure in place to handle expansion or new investment. We can also guide you to the right resources to turn your land into a viable, connected, business investment.
Canada and Alberta have invested millions to bring thousands of rural communities including Elk Point and St. Paul to the forefront of high-speed connectivity.
County of St. Paul Utilities
(Utilities – County of St. Paul (stpaul.ab.ca))
Phone: 780-646-6720
Town of St. Paul
(E-Billing: Sign Up!: Town of St. Paul (stpaul.ca))
Phone: 780-645-4481
Town of Elk Point
Phone: 780-724-3810
Water utilities are administered through the Highway 28/63 Water Commission to the hamlets of Ashmont, Mallaig, and Lottie Lake and through the Elk Point/St. Paul Regional Water Commission to County residents located along the commission line.